Wednesday, October 28, 2009

call for chapters

CALL FOR CHAPTERS - Teaching Information Literacy online

We are soliciting chapter proposals for a book entitled Teaching Information Literacy Online, to be published in 2010 by Neal-Schuman Publishers. This book will include chapters co-authored by librarian and faculty teams about successful information literacy initiatives in online learning environments. We are especially interested in information literacy collaborations in fully online modes through distance and open learning as well as blended or hybrid endeavors. We encourage faculty-librarian author teams from multiple disciplines, at the undergraduate and graduate level, in North America and internationally. Our previous books include: Information Literacy Collaborations That Work (2007), Using Technology to Teach Information Literacy (2008), and Collaborative Information Literacy Assessments: Strategies for Evaluating Teaching and Learning (2009).

This new book, Teaching Information Literacy Online, will present innovative models for information literacy instruction in online modes, such as distance or distributed learning, open learning, as well as blended or hybrid. As these different formats continue to expand in scope and influence, it is the ideal time to examine faculty and librarian partnerships for developing information literacy instruction online. We have seen the rapid expansion of online programs at community colleges, four-year institutions, universities with graduate and doctoral degree programs, through non-traditional adult education programs, and via international distance learning initiatives. The central focus of this book will be on collaboration among librarians and faculty to effectively deliver quality information literacy instruction online. This will potentially include information literacy partnerships for disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses and programs, international degree programs, open learning initiatives, open educational resources, online assessment practices, and adult education programs. This book will present national and international library collaborations that have had a significant impact on information literacy instruction efforts and student learning.

Chapters need to be co-authored by a librarian and a faculty member. Also, each completed chapter should include the following sections:

Related Literature
Institutional Context
Disciplinary or Interdisciplinary Perspective
Discussion of Faculty Librarian Collaboration (including challenges)
Program Planning (online format, technology, set-up costs, student access issues, etc.)
Online Learning Model
Impact on Student Learning
Assessment of Online Learning

This book will be co-edited by Thomas P. Mackey, Ph.D., Associate Dean at the Center for Distance Learning at SUNY Empire State College and Trudi E. Jacobson, M.L.S., Head of User Education Programs, University Libraries at the University at Albany, SUNY.

Please send proposals of 1-2 pages to Tom Mackey at no later than November 20, 2009. Chapter selections will be made and authors notified by December 10, 2009. First drafts of the completed chapters (25-30 pages) will be due on March 1, 2010. Final drafts will be due by May 28, 2010. If you have any questions about proposal ideas or about the book please contact Tom Mackey via email.

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