Monday, November 22, 2010

LIS research

Replies to Maria Grant at Salford University: M .J.Grant@SALFORD.AC.UK

Dear All,

At the March HEALER meeting a proposal for a LIS research handbook was shared with the network. The overwhelming recommendation of those present was to broaden the proposal beyond health in order to widen its appeal; this view has since received support from the publishers Facet Publishing.
Barbara, Hannah and I are now in the process of finalising the list of prospective authors and wish to identify more LIS practitioner researchers to contribute to the handbook. Whilst the overarching structure of the handbook is still based on - and acknowledges - the HEALER research toolkit we are looking to include LIS practitioner researchers beyond the worlds of academia/health/UK.
On this basis, we would welcome your suggestions of LIS practitioner researchers to either write, or co-write, some of the book chapters outlined below:

Chapter 1: What is Research?
Chapter 2: Building Confidence in Doing Research
Chapter 3: Asking the Research Question
Chapter 4: Writing the Research Plan
Chapter 5: Ethics and Best Practice
Chapter 6: Reviewing Literature
Chapter 7: Qualitative Research
Chapter 8: Quantitative Research
Chapter 9: Data Analysis
Chapter 10: Tools for Doing Research
Chapter 11: Writing the Research
Chapter 12: What Next? Applying Research to Practice
Chapter 13: Disseminating the Research

Please note that at this stage we are simply gathering together a list of potential authors; please do not make any firm offers to potential contributing authors!
All suggestions gratefully received

With many thanks.

Maria J Grant, Research Fellow (Information)

Centre for Nursing & Midwifery Research

University of Salford, Salford M6 6PU

Tel: 0161 295 6423 Fax: 0161 295 2241 Twitter:

CNMR Web Site:

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