Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Call for Book Proposals: Purdue Information Literacy Handbooks

These handbooks  promote evidence-based practice in teaching information literacy competencies through the lens of the different academic disciplines.  
We are looking for proposals that:
Explore the integration of information literacy in one college discipline
Include the perspective of disciplinary experts as well as library or information science professionals
Apply library and information science theories, pedagogies, or models to information literacy in the context of an academic discipline
Are written for librarians engaged in instruction as well as faculty in a discipline who are including information literacy in undergraduate and graduate learning.

 The series editor is Sharon A. Weiner, W. Wayne Booker Chair in Information Literacy and Professor of Library Science at Purdue University, and Vice-President of the National Forum on Information Literacy.  Inquiries about the series and ideas for new books can be sent to Professor Weiner  

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