Monday, June 8, 2015

Call for papers managing library finances

Call for papers for the Emerald journal  “The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances”
Key dates
Paper submission: 31 July 2015
Notice of review results: 15 September 2015
Revision due: 30 November 2015
Publication: The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, volume 29, issue 1, 2016 (April 2016). Papers should be up to 6,000 words in length (including references) and in accordance with the journal’s author guidelines.

For this special issue, we invite research papers focusing on funding and development strategies for all types of libraries. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
•    Fundraising
•    Capital campaigns
•    Donors
•    Donor cultivation
•    Prospect development
•    Funding sources
•    Entrepreneurial funding
•    Alternative funding
•    Leadership and fundraising (training and experience)
•    Funding for building renovations
•    Stewardship
•    Library development
•    Indirect costs as a funding source
•    Library value from a financial perspective
•    Creative fundraising (campus collaborations)
•    Major gifts
•    Endowments
•    Political strategies
•    Funding campaigns
•    Leadership roles
•    Public vs. private issues and approaches

Papers should focus on research relating to funding and development strategies for any type of library. All methodological approaches are welcome. Case studies and pilot studies should present new and unique findings and highlight future research possibilities and developments. Opinion pieces and review articles will not be considered for this special issue.

For further information prior to submission, please contact Susan Sharpless Smith

Please submit to The Bottom Line using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Contact if you require any assistance. Quote the journal name and special issue title with your inquiry.

More information

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