Thursday, February 18, 2016

Digital Libraries: Knowledge creation and sharing Award

Dear colleagues,

We are glad to inform you the partnership between IFLA and the publisher De Gruyter Saur. Together, we have launched a call for applications for the De Gruyter Saur / IFLA Research Paper Award 2016. The award selection panel is comprised of members of the IFLA Library Theory and Research Section.

Topic : Digital Libraries: Knowledge creation and sharing

Submissions are invited to focus on one of several of the following subthemes:
 Intersection of Digital Libraries and Digital Humanities  User participation and crowdsourcing  Linked Open Data  Open Data and re-use of data  Open Access  Digital scholarship, e-science and Digital Libraries  Use of Digital Library in information practices  The impact of Digital Libraries in user community and learning  Data curation  The role of Digital Libraries in sustaining access to information  Professional competencies of digital librarians

The award is aimed at encouraging original research and publication by those relatively new to the profession. Those with no more than eight years of professional experience in library and information services are eligible.

The award is an amount of EUR 1,000 (one thousand Euros)

The selected paper must have been written no earlier than January 2015 and not yet to have been published. The paper's maximum length should be approximately 5,000 words and should be submitted in English.

Don't miss the deadline! 31 March 2016

Best regards
Anna Maria Tammaro
Chair IFLA Section Library Theory and Research

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