Sunday, October 16, 2016

PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online call for submissions

The Peer Reviewed Instructional Materials Online (PRIMO) Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online.

***Deadlines for Fall 2016***
Nominations: October 31, 2016
Submissions: November 14, 2016

Site submissions for PRIMO are accepted continually, but are reviewed for possible inclusion twice per year.  If you would like to submit your own project for consideration, please use the Submission form rather than the Nomination form. For further information, please contact committee co-chairs Bill Marino at or Megan Hodge at

**Important note**
All submissions will be acknowledged shortly after the submission deadline. If you submit a project for review and do not receive an acknowledgment after the submission deadline, please contact the PRIMO co-chairs with a request for verification that your submission was transmitted successfully.

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