Monday, July 24, 2017

Call for papers Altmetrics

altmetrics17 is part of the altmetrics workshop series organized since 2011 and will take place in conjunction with the 4th Altmetrics Conference at Ryerson University in Toronto on 26 September 2017.

This year’s workshop will focus on the dependencies of altmetrics.
We are soliciting empirical and theoretical contributions for short presentations and as a basis for discussions, which will be the main focus of the altmetrics17 workshop. Submissions can focus on empirical analyses, novel theoretical frameworks, original datasets or represent a position paper. The goal of the workshop is to discuss, exchange and foster collaboration on altmetrics between researchers and practitioners.
Contributions will be curated by the altmetrics17 committee for their relevance and technical soundness and selected for short presentations.

Submissions by 31 July 2017
More information 

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