Friday, January 19, 2018

Call for papers - Valuing our collections - NAG Collection Development Seminar 2018

Great opportunity here.  Speakers receive a full free Seminar place plus travel expenses.

Abstracts of between  300-500 word abstract which should be submitted to National
Acquisitions Group on by 11th February.

The theme for Seminar 2018 is ‘Valuing our collections’.

Academic librarians spend a considerable amount of time and money in
investing and acquiring resources for teaching and research but how much do
we really value our Library collections?   Are we purchasing the resources
that students really need?  Do you know what the strengths of your Library
collection are?  Are we giving the best value for students and the
The changing landscape of the librarian’s role in acquisitions and subject
librarianship has impacted on the way academic libraries purchase Library
materials for both print and e.  We are looking for speakers to share their
knowledge and expertise in:

creating and maintaining collection development and collection
management policies
 managing the ever-increasing acquisitions of gifts and donations
acquisitions decision-making without the ‘traditional’ subject
innovative ways of applying book order ratios
identifying the gaps and strengths in your print and/or e
maintaining a healthy and up to date library collection for students
using collection management tools e.g. CCM, GreenGlass
creating partnerships with other academic libraries to share print
balancing a print collection with e-resources
engaging taught and/or research students in using library

More information

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