Friday, June 14, 2019

Call for presentations: Talent Untapped: BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Academic Librarians' KnowledgeX,

Friday, 8 November 2019
9:30 am - 4 pm
Stratford Campus Computer Centre Lecture Theatre
Admission:  FREE


University of East London (UEL) Libraries host Talent Untapped:  BAME Academic Librarians' KnowledgeX, a safe space for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) library and information professionals of all levels to exchange information about careers and key issues in the academic library and information sector as well as to network to develop sustainable support systems.  

We are now seeking expressions of interest in presenting, including the opening address, and leading practical workshops on the following topics/strands:

- Inclusive resources
- Innovations in information and digital literacy
- Use of technology
- Emerging and existing careers in the profession
- Career management and progression (e.g., tips on developing profiles, writing CVs and applications, interviewing, CPD)
- Becoming a researcher or writing for academic publications
- Mentoring/coaching/sponsorship
- Impostor syndrome and/or tokenism
- Any other ideas of interest to BAME communities....

There will also be opportunity to visit the UEL Library at Stratford.

This is a safe space in which to develop skills in presenting, facilitating workshops, or supporting an event!  Support will be provided for first-time presenters.

Please provide a paragraph describing your presentation or workshop to by 1 September 2019.  Indicative timings for presentations and workshops:  30-40 minutes and lightening talks:  10 minutes.

Bookings for the event will commence in late August 2019!  This event is supported by UEL BAME Network, SCONUL, and CILIP BAME Network.

#BAMElibTalent      @UEL_Library

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