Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Digital Humanities

Call for Papers
Osaka Symposium on Digital Humanities 2011

The Inaugural Symposium of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities
28–9 March 2011

Hosted by the Graduate School of Language and Culture, University of Osaka

Submission deadline: 7 February 2011 (Midnight JST).

Presentations include:

Papers (abstract max of 300 words) or

Multiple paper sessions, including panels (overview max of 300 words)

Call for Papers Announcement

I. General Information

The OSDH2011 Programme Committee invites submissions of abstracts of

no less than 300 words on any aspect of digital humanities, from

information technology to problems in humanities research and

teaching. We welcome submissions particularly relating to

interdisciplinary work and on new developments in the field. The

symposium web site is in development at The Programme Committee

aims for a varied programme.

Proposals might, for example, relate to the following aspects of

digital humanities:

• research issues, including data mining, information design

and modelling, software studies, and humanities research enabled

through the digital medium;

• computer-based research and computer applications in

literary, linguistic, cultural and historical studies, including

electronic literature, public humanities, and interdisciplinary

aspects of modern scholarship. Some examples might be text analysis,

corpora, corpus linguistics, language processing, language learning;

• the digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new

media, and related areas;

• the creation and curation of humanities digital resources;

• the role of digital humanities in academic curricula;

Astracts should be sent to The deadline

for submitting abstracts to the Programme Committee is 7 February

2011. Presenters will be notified of acceptance on 14 February 2011.

II. Types of Proposals

Proposals to the Programme Committee may be either: (1) paper

presentations or (2) multi-paper sessions (either three-paper or panel

sessions). Papers/sessions should be given in English.

1) Paper presentations: Individual papers will be allocated twenty

(20) minutes for presentation and ten (10) minutes for questions.

2) Multiple Paper Sessions (90 minutes): The session/panel organizer

should submit an abstract of 300 words describing the session/panel

topic, how it will be organized, the names of all the speakers, and an

indication that each speaker is willing to participate in the session.

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