Tuesday, October 4, 2011

call for presentations, posters, workshops

Call for presentations, posters, workshop

If you are involved in infomation literacy, why not submit proposals for presenting at the "Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as Facilitators of Learning IFLA Satellite Conference" in Tampere, Finland – August 8, 9, and 10, 2012?. It is being sponsored by IFLA’s Continuing Professional Education and Workplace Learning and Information Literacy Section

The satellite conference will be held immediately prior to the World Library and Information Congress in Helsinki, Finland, August 2012. Proposals for presentations (including research reports, smaller scale interactive roundtable discussions, train-the-trainer sessions, workshops, and poster sessions) are invited. Some proposals will be considered for publication in the proceedings, which will be distributed at the Satellite Meeting.

General Themes include strategies for designing and implementing a professional development information literacy program for librarians. Proposals are also invited that detail success stories/ lessons learned and explore information literacy from outside the box.

More information on themes and how to submit proposals can be found at:


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