Monday, May 19, 2014

Getting Published in Emerald Library Journals

 NUI Maynooth Library is pleased to host  Guide to Getting Published in Emerald Library Journals   in the  Library at NUI Maynooth,  on Monday 9th June from 10.30 to 12.30. 
 Emerald publishes over 20 peer-reviewed library journals including “Aslib Proceedings,” “Journal of Documentation”, “Library Management” and “Library Review.” The workshop is aimed at library staff who wish to write for academic publication and/or further their writing for academic publication.

  The presenter Eileen Breen, Emerald’s LIS Publisher, will cover the following topics:

         Emerald Library and Information Science Journals

          Why Publish

          Publishing process and peer review

          Choosing a journal

          Structuring your paper

          Writing tips

          Publication ethics


          Dissemination and promotion

          Summary and resources

          Emerald Research Awards

While there is no charge for attending this event places are limited and booking is essential.  Please e-mail  by Friday 30th May if you wish to reserve a place.




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