The peer-reviewed journal Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarianship is now accepting
manuscripts for an issue focusing on “Collaboration in Behavioral and Social
Sciences Librarianship” to be published as volume 34(2).
Deadline: 19 December 2014
We welcome the following topics relevant to
behavioral and social science librarianship:Examination/analyses of collaborative methods/activities/criteria
- Impact of collaboration on: library services (especially with
respect to users); decision making; access to collections and information;
library facilities; collection development; and library management
- Examination of relevant theories and methodology
- Analysis of application of various collaborative
- Building alliances
- Examination of collaboration in different environments (ie:
academic library, classroom)
- Outcomes of collaboration
- Necessary elements for successful collaboration
- Guidelines, assessment, and feedback
to Submit
Please send all submissions and questions to the
editor The journal’s website includes Instructions to Authors
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