Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Call for Papers - Special Collections in a Digital Age

The New Review of Academic Librarianship, a peer-reviewed journal, invites abstracts for consideration to be included in a special themed issue on Special Collections in a Digital Age, covering the broad topic of alternative, non-print special collections in modern academic libraries. Abstracts (no more than 500 words) will be used to establish the articles to be developed for publication in the journal.

Abstracts should be submitted for consideration to the Guest Editors, Margaret Haines and Wayne Jones, no later than September 21, 2014.

Article submissions should focus on the changes in focus in both collections and services that have occurred as the special collections of academic libraries have adapted to the transition from mostly print to a mostly electronic world.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Challenges in collecting video and multimedia games, including censorship and security
  • Art in the library, including photographic collections
  • Digitization and preservation of local and rare materials
  • Maps and geospatial resources
  • Designing and adapting spaces
  • Collection development, acquisition, cataloguing, and processing issues for special collections
  • Merging archival, library, media, and museum professionals within the library


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