Friday, September 26, 2014


I am very pleased to be nominated as CONUL's representative on the editorial board of SCONUL Focus.  SCONUL Focus is published three time a year and is a really useful outlets for practice-based articles. Steve Rose is the current editor.  Valerie Stevenson was editor until recently and she kindly did a post for this blog on writing for SCONUL Focus. Your organisation does not have to be a member of SCONUL or CONUL in order for you to submit articles to SCONUL Focus.

The main theme of the  latest issue of SCONUL Focus is marketing.

Issue 63, which will be published in early 2015,  will be on the theme of innovation in accessing collections. We're particularly interested in work around Open Access, Research Data Management and Institutional Repositories.
The copy date for submission of articles will be Friday 30th January 2015.
Deputy Librarian
Maynooth University




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