Thursday, November 13, 2014

Facebook Use and Users - Call for Papers

The Department of Information Science of Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf has a project named “ProFaceBook” The purpose of the project is to encourage and publish high-class papers by Facebook experts in an anthology. We call for papers that are empirical in nature. Accepted papers are published in the planned anthology entitled, “Facebook Use and Users” (working title), distributed by the publishing house De Gruyter Saur in its book series “Knowledge & Information.” Acceptance is based on a strict peer review in a double-blind process.
Abstracts’ submissions deadline: December 1, 2014
Invitation to prepare a paper: January 10, 2015
Papers in draft due: July 1, 2015
Notification: September 1, 2015
Final versions due: October 31, 2015

- Who uses Facebook?
- Motivations of Facebook uses
- How do people present themselves on Facebook?
- Social capital in Facebook: Relations to “Friends”
- Problematic Facebook use / Facebook addiction
- Fake-accounts on Facebook
- Unfriending and becoming unfriended on Facebook
- Facebook diet
- Quitting Facebook
- Privacy (problems) on Facebook
- Playing games on Facebook
- eParticipation via Facebook
- Educational use of Facebook
- Facebook-induced revolutions? The Arab spring
- Facebook as a standard in the sense of network economics
- Facebook as a source for (contemporary) history
- Facebook advertising: the users’ view
- Facebook advertising: the advertisers’ view
- Cyberbullying via Facebook
- Scientific connections via Facebook

Submission Information
We will begin accepting abstracts’ submissions in November of 2014. All submissions must be in English, and all works should be original and not previously published.

Questions about the anthology in general can be sent to Project Coordinator Katja Baran ( ; Subject: proFaceBook), to the Book Editor Kathrin Knautz ( ) or to the Book Series Editor Wolfgang G. Stock ( ). Please visit our Facebook Page for complete submission guidelines (

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