Sunday, January 18, 2015

Call for Posters – CILIP Ireland/LAI Annual Joint Conference

The deadline for Poster Session applicants is the 28 February 2015.
Are you involved in an interesting project or area of work that you would like to discuss with or show to delegates at the CILIP Ireland/ LAI Annual Joint Conference?
Your topic could be described on an A0 size poster (841mm x 1189mm) and displayed on a presentation board (provided by CILIP Ireland) at the Conference on the 9 April 2015.
The poster session will run from 1:45-2:30 pm. During this time delegates will be free to peruse the various posters and ask questions if interested in particular topics. Presenters would be expected to be present from 1pm in order to set up, and during the Poster Session in order to explain their posters and to hand out any leaflets they have available. Each presenter can only present one poster.
Applicants can apply to present if they are registering as full/day delegates at the Conference, or if they wish to attend as poster presenters alone(with a reduced fee to cover lunch expenses). This is an opportunity to share your work with colleagues and develop your professional skills in a supportive environment.
If you would like to apply please send a short summary of your project, and how you intend to illustrate it in poster format to

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