Friday, October 18, 2019

2019 CONUL Conference - Call for papers

Abstract submissions are welcome for consideration for the 2020 annual conference of CONUL, the Consortium of National and University Libraries in Ireland, which will be held in Limerick, Ireland on Wednesday, 27th and Thursday, 28th May 2020.
The 2020 conference theme, Imagining the Future and How We Get There, will explore the ever evolving research and academic library with a view to the future: innovations in services, technology, spaces, collections, staff.  CONULinvites submissions for presentations and posters which address topics including, but not limited to:
·         Technology and innovation in libraries
·         New synergies and transformations for library collections
·         Developing the library workforce
·         Transforming library spaces
·         The library's role in enabling teaching, learning and research
·         Changing scholarly communications landscape
·         Changing and enhancing library services

The Conference Committee welcomes proposals on the theme and sub-themes which include trends which may shape the future and practical elements of research and academic librarianship.  Papers that may not fit into the above topics but do relate to the overall theme are equally welcome.  We encourage colleagues who are currently harnessing new technologies, reconfiguring onsite and online spaces; responding to and anticipating changing user needs; transforming collections; exploring the staffing considerations in this time of change, to consider abstract submission for the 2020 CONUL Conference.
An abstract can be submitted for presentation at the conference as one of the following:
Oral Presentations: 300 word abstract submission
·         Parallel Paper: 20 minute presentation and Q&A
·         Lightning Talk: 10 minute presentation and Q&A
·         Show & Tell: 5 minute presentation followed by an opportunity for delegates to have 1-1 discussions with presenters.  Fuller information on the format is available online here

Poster Presentation: 100 word abstract submission
The closing date for abstract submission is Midnight (GMT), Friday 22 November 2019Further information on the Call for Papers, including presentation types, important dates and submission guidelines are available from the conferencewebsite.
2020 CONUL Conference Committee

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