Friday, February 11, 2011

Call for snapshot presentations

E-books: Caressing The Divine Details

The 2011 LIR Annual Seminar will take place on Friday March 25th, in Dublin.

The Seminar will analyse the current issues surrounding e-books and their use in Irish Libraries, as well as showcasing developments and experiments in the area. In addition, the Seminar will consider the impact of ebooks for Library users and technology.

A number of highly regarded keynote speakers have been confirmed for the day, including Paul Harwood from JISC Collections, and Sarah Thompson & Steve Sharp from York & Leeds Universities.

*Once again this is an excellent opportunity to showcase innovative and interesting developments in your organisation*
We would like to invite proposals for snapshots, to give attendees a chance to see how your organisation is embracing the concept of integrating e-books into your Library.
Snapshots presentations will be between 12 – 18 minutes.
Examples of welcome topics include:
 Resource Discovery: how do you source e-books or find out what’s out there?
Who has an impact in the evaluation process – the library or are acadmics included?
 E-Book Readers – do you use them? Are they the future?
 Incorporating ebooks and their data into your Library systems – processes, problems, successes, observations
 The impact of ebooks on distance learning, assistive technology, the physical library
Dealing with different purchasing and borrowing models, access entitlements, etc
 Free ebook collections
 Future strategies – does your library have an e-book only policy? Does your Library actively search for e-versions of heavily borrowed material? Has this had an impact on borrowing etc?

The themes are broad, and we will consider other proposals not mentioned above.
Proposals for snapshot presentations should be forwarded to Ronán Kennedy ( by Friday February 25th 2011

Details of previous LIR events, and upcoming workshops can be found at

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