Friday, September 19, 2014

Call for Manuscripts and Peer Reviewers

Reference Reviews, an Emerald journal with an international scope, is seeking articles and peer reviewers to expand its Editorial Board for the 2014-2015 year.
Manuscripts should focus on reference sources (as opposed to reference processes). Topic examples include, but are by no means limited to:

1.       An overview survey or annotated bibliography of a particular format, type, or subject area of reference sources

2.       A comparative review of two or more sources in a particular subject area

3.       A viewpoint article about a range of resources or type of resource

4.       Any other type of article which has as its primary focus a discussion of reference and information resources

Articles which are international in scope are particularly desirable. The word count is 2000 minimum, with 3000 being the average.
In addition to the key function of reviewing submitted manuscripts, Peer Review Board members also provide input on the strategic direction and workflows of the journal. The journal’s scope includes reference materials in all formats and subject areas, and its primary audience is made up of librarians, information professionals, and managers/administrators.

Qualifications & Duties: Previous editorial/review experience is preferred, but not required. Reviewers should be currently practicing or former librarians, information professionals, and/or subject specialists. Board members will be assigned no more than one article per month for review, comment, and recommendation; timely turnaround and reliable communication are essential. It is expected that individuals agreeing to serve on the Board do so for the entire year for which they have committed. It is not required, but Board members are also strongly encouraged to solicit submissions for and promote the journal.

If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer for Reference Reviews, wish to submit a manuscript, have questions or would like further information in either of these areas, please contact Bethany Latham


Bethany Latham

Internet Editor, Reference Reviews

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