Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mobile technologies: information on the move

Mobile technologies: information on the move - The third International m-libraries conference: Mobile technologies: information on the move

Brisbane, 11 - 13 May 2011

We are seeking papers on the following themes:
1. Emerging mobile technologies (including platforms, devices and software)

2. Delivering new mobile services to users

3. New mobile applications (technical)

4. Mobile users (e.g. studies of requirements and/or behaviour)

5. Development of content for mobiles (including OERs, commercially published, user-generated etc.)

6. Privacy and mobiles

7. Copyright issues for mobile delivery

Abstract Submission  (300 words)
1 November to M-Libraries-Conference@open.ac.uk
14 January 2011.
We expect that papers may include research reports, demonstrations of technical developments, practical case studies or reviews. Posters are also invited. Papers or presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussions.

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