Thursday, April 7, 2011

call for posters

Call for papers - Poster Session
Applications are now being accepted for the Umbrella 2011 Poster Session that takes place at CILIP's Umbrella 2011 Conference. Conference participants are encouraged to present information about projects or activities of interest to librarians and information professionals as a poster. Digital formats as well as traditional posters are encouraged for this year's conference.

Those interested in presenting a poster over the two days are invited to complete the application form on the conference website, or use the following link to view the PDF Application Form:

Each entry should be no more than 200 words of supporting text and returned by email to or by post to:
Umbrella Poster Application

CILIP Events
7 Ridgmount Street

The deadline for applications is Friday 15th April 2011, with successful applicants being informed by Tuesday 3rd May 2011.

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